Big Brother Advanced League Rules

Choose a new team each week. Your Houseguests will earn or lose points based on the rules below.

It's like fantasy football, for Big Brother.


Choose a new team each week. 

Your players earn or lose points based on the rules below.


The perfect game type for Big Brother super fans who want to avoid the impact of spoilers. Every week, you’ll choose a team of Houseguests who will compete to be the next Head of Household, win POV, and stay off the nomination block. After each Live Eviction episode, you will have the option to choose a new team for the following week.

If You're Not First...


You don’t win or lose any points.

The following rules will only be scored once for the season – for the first person to complete the rule.


Second Houseguest to win Head of Household (Completed 8/13 - Hisam)


First Houseguest to use Power of Veto on themself (Completed 8/23 - Jag)


First Houseguest to get evicted (Completed 8/10 - Kirsten)


Houseguest comes up with the name that is used for an alliance (one time points for each alliance name)


First Houseguest after premiere to say they are a Big Brother "superfan" (Completed 8/27 - America)


Houseguest lies about their profession/job to another Houseguest (once per contestant)


First Houseguest after premiere to talk about their pet (Completed 8/6 - Jared)


Houseguest wins Big Brother (Completed 11/9 - Jag)



Those who win get all the power… or a target on their back.

The following rules are related to the BB Competition/Gameplay.

Houseguest wins competition (solo or part of team, includes winning stages to advance to finals)


For each person that Houseguest beats in an ordered HOH/Veto competition


Houseguest takes last place in competition (solo or part of team)


Houseguest wins Head of Household (in addition to competition bonus)


Houseguest wins Power of Veto (in addition to competition bonus)


Houseguest wins HOH AND Power of Veto in same week


Participates in Power of Veto competition


Houseguest uses the Power of Veto


Power of Veto is used on this Houseguest to remove them from nomination block


Houseguest is nominated for eviction by HOH


Houseguest is nominated for eviction in place of a vetoed player (in addition to nomination penalty)


For each vote cast against Houseguest at eviction


Houseguest is evicted/removed


Big Brother is Watching...

If a contestant is caught doing any of the following on camera, they win or lose the corresponding number of points.

Once per Episode, can be earned by multiple contestants.

Houseguest has 1-on-1 conversation with HOH in HOH bedroom (HOH doesn't get points)


Houseguest is a "have not" for the week


Houseguest's goodbye video message is shown post-eviction


Houseguest is shown cuddling with another Houseguest on bed/couch/floor


Houseguest kisses another Houseguest


Houseguest is seen shirtless or in a bikini


Houseguest is shown eating on camera (food must be seen entering mouth)


Houseguest vomits/requires medical attention


Big Brother is Listening...

If a contestant is caught saying the following words or phrases, they will win or lose the corresponding number of points.

Once per Episode, can be earned by multiple contestants.

"Good for my game"


"Big/Large/Huge Move"


"Blood on my hands"


"Connection" or "Journey"










Gets referred to as being a threat or says "resume"


Gets Referred to as being "trusted/trustworthy"




calls someone out by name in Power of Veto or eviction plea




Lies about who they voted for to another houseguest


Houseguest admits to throwing a competition


Houseguest mentions a previous season Big Brother Houseguest by name


Houseguest speaks directly to camera, outside of a cut-scene interview (must be solo in room)


Houseguest gets muted/bleeped out


Houseguest references the prize money (or exact dollar amount)


Sit back & let us handle the scoring.

All leagues are scored after each live eviction, with points being accumulated by the houseguests across all three episodes during the week. Results are posted in your league after the Live Eviction episode airs. Point breakdowns for each houseguest can be found on our Scoring Recaps page, updated after each episode.