Bracketology Game Types: Confidence Pool

Choose who you think will advance at the elimination ceremony each week, with a twist.

New to Bracketology – the Confidence Pool game type is very similar to Week to Week, but with an extra twist. This game type is best for those who will check regularly and set their picks weekly that are looking for more of a challenge. In addition to selecting who you think will advance at each elimination ceremony, you also assign point values to contestants based on how confident you are that they will not get eliminated. The higher the point value assigned, the more confident you are that they will advance. You will make picks weekly for each ceremony in this game type. Picks lock for the next two ceremonies before the episode airs on the East Coast. If an elimination ceremony doesn’t occur in that week’s episode, it will unlock a few hours after the episode and picks can be modified. Points will be awarded for each correct, advancing pick.


Scoring Points:

For every contestant that you correctly predict will advance in a given elimination ceremony, you will receive a variable amount of points, determined by the confidence level where you ranked each contestant. The higher the assigned point value, the more confident you are that contestant will advance.


For example:

In Ceremony 2, there are 10 contestants to choose from and 7 picks are required to be made. You would rank the contestant you’re most confident will advance in slot 7, second-most confident in slot 6, etc. Since there are more contestants to choose from than confidence slots in this example, the 3 contestants you don’t rank are the 3 you believe will get eliminated. You receive points for each correct pick equal to the confidence slot in which the advancing contestant was placed.

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